Hi everyone.
For anyone not familiar with Google's 'Groundwork' project, this was a carefully planned digital operation led by Eric Schmidt, specifically with the intention of getting Hilary Clinton into the Whitehouse. If you want to know more about what the Groundwork was about, then please refer to the following two links before reading the rest of this post:
During the election campaigns, the site had a morbid looking background with some strange pyramid symbol:
Now, I don't know if anyone else has noticed this, but Eric Schmidt's 'Groundwork' website seems to have had a facelift:
I don't use twitter or facebook, and I'm sure others have also noticed the change, but I personally haven't seen anyone talk about this. It's interesting to see this project go more 'public' post-election.
You can see how the site used to look at various points in the past through archive.org:
The current site has changed drastically in appearance. It's worth paying careful attention to the language and vocabulary that it uses. It contains the slogan 'Build a Modern Movement' and the terminology used throughout seems to be geared towards a certain radicalist mindset. I can imagine puppet masters like George Soros using similar technologies and applications to advance their agendas. There is a section that says 'Meet the humans at groundwork' and links to Timshel, the 'group' allegedly behind the technology. It seems to be little more than a google-backed team just using a different name, which seems to fit in well with the whole 'Alphabet Company' brand repositioning strategy of Google. Link to Timshel site below:
There is a collection of older press releases available here:
Key point that I'm trying to make:
Although it's been months since the US elections, I think we need to keep a close watch on these types of digital startup 'projects', especially where Google/Alphabet Company are directly involved. I'm sure there are several other big-tech driven applications masquerading as 'independent' social or business apps. We all know that sites like Facebook and Linkedin are little more than spy databases, but there are also less popular platforms that need to be closely monitored. As Bobbie always says, we need to use discernment.