Chris, they have just about sucked everyone in to the market, you are right it is going to blow.
Chris, I am surprised you have'nt spoken about the new labor department law governing advisers, I have been in cash and am now being forces back into ETF's and bonds, it sucks!!!!
And don't forget you have 30-50 gallons of water in your hot water heater.
Brandon Adams explains a good basic organizational structure for a community after any break down of society, needs to break down so it can be remolded.
Have used this to cleanse my body, and have had many friends healed from cancer with this, good when long term survival is required in break down of society.
Hi Chris,
Greenwave was groovy. You are at about 350,000 followers on youtube
alone, who may share your videos, even the goofy ones, lol
I have to go to work today at the salon, hairstyling and cutting edge hair sculpting.
I have to have a perfectly positive attitude to touch people effectually with the Word and Love, so I must put great thoughts in my mind. I would rather listen to positive motivational speakers on youtube than negativity from fearfilled motivators. End is Near? Maybe it's just a new beginning ;-)
Karen, you are what you THINK. Love the Positivity!!
I am a brand new subscriber. While I agree with a lot of your assessment, can you maybe tone down the potty mouth expletives a bit? It is a bit off putting. I am a Christian and a 60 year old single parent and work in the medical field so I do end up hearing a lot of not so nice rhetoric at work on a daily basis. Just saying. Thank you for encouraging people to prep-I have done so for a few years. Just remind people who store water in both food grade and non food grade containers to also purchase water purification tablets to keep that water safe to drink, or to periodically replace stored water that may not be as pristine as they think it is.
I also agree that the stock market is way overvalued-about to put my house up for sale-sell high,buy lower as a pre retirement strategy. I am also very concerned about a major correction but I also think that we may not see a cataclysmic event until the Antichrist comes on the scene. Something major needs to happen to propel non believers to accept him and take the official "Mark". Regardless, we are living in the end times.
Oh dear, his use of humor and expletives is one of the reasons we listen to Mr. Greene. I guess we like him uncut and uncensored, unlike the sanitized main stream media, because in these times, we are mad and sad as hell, and we want to shout it, we do not want more of the same old lies.
Yo! Jokobanes! (above entry) I was a Nurse and am considerably older than you are. If you've been around 60+ years, you'd best be prepared to HEAR the Truth, "potty mouth" or not...Are you aware of the kind of World this is rapidly changing into?? Do you think the People you are going to have to fight and/or deal with give a rat's ass about your Parental concerns pertaining to cursing? One of the MANY things I had to do to prepare my kids and grandchildren for the World they face, forced me to lay aside the Norman Rockwell Period of my own Childhood. That time is GONE, and will never return. Just one example, was instead of Boy Scouts (which itself now has been perverted by the "New Normal"), I had the kids attend Martial Arts Training; as this is more appropriate for the dangerous times they are now and in the future going to have to live in. One thing Christians need to do is get up off their behinds collectively, and as the Boy Scouts in my day used to say, "Be Prepared". Or as Martin Luther said, "God helps those who help themselves." Too many "Christians" just cop-out and expect Jesus to do all the work. A wise man named William Blake once said, "Nothing guarantees the triumph of Evil more, than when good men will just stand aside and do nothing." Check out Viking Prepper on YouTube. He's a Pastor and an example of the kind of Christians needed to prepare NOW. We are likely to face a Civil War on top of a World War soon, and the Revelation's (St. John's) has already been fulfilled! 1/3 of the Oceans are becoming Radioactive Lakes thanks to Fukushima, ("Wormwood") which the so-called Elites don't want to let out of the Bag via Mainstream News. The Power Elites also want to Chip ALL the Sheeple internationally. Remember your Bible, that the Beast will cause all, small and Great to receive his Mark? Between that and the Global Warming/weather changes, which ARE happening because of the Thermo-Nuclear Detonations of the late 1940s and through 1963; we are all in as we'd say in the Navy "Deep Shit!". In short, the egg-heads and idiots in Governments blew away a large portion of the Earth's Ozone Layer into Outer Space! You'd better grow a mighty thicker skin Petunia. Truly, LCDR John Sullivan, USNR
Couldn't agree more, katsully56!!!! Bravo!!
Thanks Kat. I like viking prepper. One of the suggested videos with his led me to the LDS food stores that they sell for non-profit. You don't even have to be LDS (Im not) Im going to go pick up a couple of cases of canned rice that has a shelf life of 30 years and some pinto beans. I will have a hundred pounds of dried food for hundred bucks.
All these years and you would think I knew this-- nope, just found out about it
Oh and check out Jason A's channel. Its mind-blowing
JW, Great to hear! I Prep too. With all that MAY happen, only truly foolish people don't. Remember the Aesop's Fable about the ANT and the Grasshopper? I think there are going to be a LOT of Grasshoppers in Panic if the Lights go OUT, Bombs drop etc., ad nausea, ad infinitum! :)
Well if this is how a brand new subscriber is treated on this website maybe it is not for me. 14 day trial for free? May not renew.
For the person who posted the LONG tirade-how on earth can you assume and presume that I am not an informed person? Really?
My education far exceeds yours by the way in case you were wondering.
When you grow up with parents who were threatened by Communist infiltraters in the Southern California PTA school system and the FBI visited our home out of concern for our safety, believe me I have been well informed on the shadow government,Illuminati, Protocols of Zion,Club of Rome, CFR,Bilderbergers, Trilateral Commission,etc,etc, since I was in elementary school. Likely MUCH longer than YOU have.
That being said,my main issue was with the language sometimes used in the videos and NOT the content. Not sure it is necessary to use that kind of language to drive a point home and I do find it disappointing that the well educated person that Mr. Greene is continues to do this. He could likely get more subscribers if the language used was toned down. That is ALL I was saying.
Please tread lightly when you make replies like this to ANY subscriber especially a NEW one
Yo! Jokeobanes! How do YOU know what my Education in fact is? OR my Life Experience? The fact is I have an Undergraduate Honors Degree from St. Mary's, a Master's Degree from Webster University, as well as multiple Technical Degrees in Science from the Navy; and a Junior College. I DO believe from your Statement to me, that you in fact were in Elementary School much longer than I was though... The FBI "visited" your Home in the past out of concern for your SAFETY?? Now THAT is something I find uncharacteristic of Spooks and Investigations by Federal Agencies...More likely they were doing an Investigation to set somebody up PERIOD... By the way, the BEST thing to say to any Spook or Interview by the FBI etc. is = NOTHING... I used to perform Congressional Investigations also Friend. Do you think Jesus himself lectured his hearers with consistently "proper" statements? He was a Carpenter early in Life, likely powerfully built, that went to Church and threw over the Tables of the Money/Offering Collectors; and chased them out of the Jewish Temple (Jesus WAS a Rabbi by the way) + whipping them while doing so. He also we know from the Bible interacted with ALL levels of people, including Prostitutes and Bar Keeps who tend to have; shall we say? COLORFUL Language. He additionally CURSED the Fig Tree, Remember??? I can't speak for Mr. Greene, but I'd rather hear and be advised of the TRUTH, no matter how it is packaged; AND I will tread HEAVILY in this regard; because I FIRMLY believe we are already IN the true Latter Days, that Jesus, Paul, and St. John described... Personally, I don't have the GAUL to try to censor Mr. Greene on his Site, OR any other AMTV Community Member, and I will call out Bullshit when I detect it. I also expect other AMTV Folks if they believe my Statements False, undesirable, and/or questionable to challenge me. AND believe me they sometimes HAVE. But that IS the nature of these Forums = debate, information sharing, and discussion. I believe that's what these Forums are for. It's important for you to be here, or the Lord would not have led you. If you want to be pissed at me; that's O.K., but your participation is needed; and I hope you get a thicker skin. Truly, LCDR John Sullivan, USNR
So much prophesy and the religions surrounding them are stories that were set up by the very lucifarians you oppose, the bible is written in code and mostly is not to be taken literally. For things to truly change on Earth people have to let go of stories they have clung to there whole lives and stand on there own two feet. We as human beings all have ways of escaping from the terrible reality of being alive in a very illogical predatory world. I recommend watching Mauro Berlingo and his discovery of the origins of humans.