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Video 2
Mr. Hellyer is telling the Truth. But not ALL Aliens are benevolent. In fact, there are those that consider Humanity to be an inferior species; that has failed to manage it's population or nuclear power/technologies. In view of that, they consider us poor stewards of the Planet... The Shadow Government, (Spooks and Big Money Corporations), don't give a rat's behind about we the Sheeple...They want the advanced Technologies the Aliens offer, either voluntarily in exchange for their hybrid program, or by stealth when Alien Vehicles crash; (like at Roswell New Mexico in 1947). The reason WHY the Aliens came in force at that time was due to the Nuclear Detonations of WWII!!! Enough retired close to dying Military and Government Personnel have come forward to indicate that believing in UFOs is NOT a sign of insanity. Truly, LCDR JOHN USNR